Monthly Archives: July 2013

Backyard Birthday (and other ways to draw blood)


Size 8 toddler shoes (and toes) all around. The swing was full of laughter and crumbs, the best seat in the house! One of B’s friends has a little sister who invited us to her 1st birthday party, we were happy to join in the fun! Rain showers threatened and then dribbled but not for long. Every child there was eager to share the cake AND presents. The birthday song was the cutest chorus I’ve ever heard. It was a perfect backyard party, until…

B decided to wipe the patio with his face. I mean when does the instinct to put your hands out in front of you as you fall begin? I know toddlers are top heavy with their wobbly legs and balloon shaped noggins but, seriously!? Apparently he was playing with an excavator (no longer just a truck, these kids are specific and discerning) when he started to run to show it to someone and tripped. The excavator was completely unharmed in this incident. B on the other hand may be scarred for life.

He cried one of those cries that starts out as long silent inhale, mouth agape, but ends up as a blood curdling horror film worthy screech. My heart dropped. I heard the thud of his over- sized head clunk the pavers like a ripe melon. After we calmed down and wiped him clean, all was well. One of the fathers there is a physician and examined B. No stitches or MRI’s needed, “just keep it clean and he’ll be fine”. In the end all he needed was a hug and a lollipop. I wish all troubles of the world could be as easily solved.

Have you had any bad “ouchies” with your little one?

Rain Barrel Gardening

My husband hates this monstrosity. He is only going along with my romantic idealism that having a rain barrel makes me a conservationist so I don’t bother him about buying more signage for his man cave (seriously, that’s another story all together). He drilled a hole into one of our gutters and now this massive barrel sits in wait for me to fill up my watering can seven times (yes, I counted) to water every single potted plant and herb in our yard every day.

It would be much easier to use the hose, but I am stubborn and want to prove to my neighbors (a.k.a my in-laws) and my friends that I’m not just taking up valuable deck space with this thing but actually benefitting the earth. As I do this routine each night I offer B to hold the can and pour the water (you know, teach him how things grow). He was into it the first week or so, but two months in, he’s OUT. I’m beginning to wish I had just stuck with my original plan of paving my entire yard.

I am hating my plants right now. They are so needy. I even had to beg someone to come over and water them when we went away for the weekend. I secretly hoped the person would forget and they would all die and I could be released of my nightly obligation. Why can’t I commune with nature? I want to be “earthy”, but I’d rather be doing almost ANYTHING else. I’m beginning to see the allure if that green grasslike indoor /outdoor carpeting. Am I losing my mind?


Detroit Prince (SS)





A beautiful day for a boat ride! The hum of the engine acts as a lullaby while the summer breeze tickles the toes through flip-flops (or flippers, as B calls them). The gentle touch of a toddlers hand is the icing on the cake. Although other “rulers” may be official in the two countries we are balancing between, B is truly a prince today.

As we slide through ancient glacial pathways that now separate two countries, one is tempted to think of those who swam, paddled and sunk in these depths. I am reminded of the constant balance battle between man and nature as a huge plume of steam rises from a smokestack along the rivers edge.


The Detroit Princess Cruise line is NOT a sponsor nor did they compensate me in any way to take their cruise. I purchased a Groupon and took the chance on a sunny July day that my two year old could miss his nap and still enjoy the river.

Daily outings at 1:00 and 3:30PM at Bishop Park in Wyandotte (behind the Henry Ford Hospital and Bacon Memorial Library) and a separate boat has the same schedule at Hart Plaza/ RiverWalk. All passengers are taken on a first come first served basis do try to arrive thirty minutes before boarding and be prepared to stand in line, even if you’ve purchased your tickets in advance.

Good to know:
The ramp (the gang plank?!) was too skinny to fit the stroller through so we had to “unload it”, fold it and carry kiddo and everything else on board. Once on board we could’ve stayed in the dining area but attempted going up on the covered deck. Found a nice shady wooden bench (relief) after braving metal stairs that were more like a ladder (yikes). The bathroom was much like you would find on an airplane, so diaper changes would need to be done ” al fresco”. You can bring drinks and snacks on board for the 0-5 year olds but anyone 6+ better have cash on hand for anything else available at the bar.

At $17 per person 6+ years old for a two hour cruise it’s a fine family value, though I’m glad I had a half off deal.

Does your toddler love the water? If so, what water fun have you had this summer?

Pinterest Shminterest!!

I like Pinterest. Just like I enjoy going on a shopping website, filling up my cart and then leaving the page. I just like the idea that I could if I wanted to, but have chosen not to. At least that’s what I tell myself.

After pages and pages of well organized “pins” on how to make a delicious-easy-family-meal-everyone-including-the-toddler-will-lick-off-the-plate-that-is-nutritious and low in sodium alongside creative bath activities to inspire your toddler to looooove getting that hard won dirt from their crevices, I just started using my own brain. I came up with a fun game of my own where I didn’t have to buy water beads, ivory soap or baking soda.

We are so lucky to have a local dairy still in business in our area that delivers their fresh milk to your door every week in glass bottles. I love, love, love them! Thank you Calder Dairy in Carleton, MI (I swear I have a point). The glass bottles are returned weekly, but the caps are not. So, of course I wash and save them. All of those hours on Pinterest weren’t totally wasted, see?! I also have a few plastic wash bins from the dollar store because my child looooves pouring water. Well, that’s what he calls it. It could be called spilling, spitting or even spraying water by an onlooker, but, those are just semantics. I am trying to delete reduce screen time (rather abysmally) so I try to have tasks games readily available that B can engage in.

Here is my little game! My crappy handwriting and black magic marker in all its’ glory! I used a ping pong ball (ummm, no I don’t have a ping pong table but I have been known to play a mean game of b___r pong) and B loves throwing things as well, so I thought it would be a hit… I was correct!!

Points to consider:
1. If you get hit with a ping pong ball it doesn’t hurt nearly as much as getting hit with a golf ball.
2. You could write any thing (letters, draw shapes, colored dots or put pictures of family) on the bottom of any tray/bin with tape.
3. The fun part is throwing the ball and trying to “score” (which is what we yell when B sinks one).



He’s learning how to recognize numbers up to twenty. The white and pink are divided into odd and even numbers although that is something we have yet to start talking about, I was being ambitious.

What games have you and your toddler created?

Preparing Your Child for a Big Move (Book Giveaway!)

I love the ideas posted here. It’s not just about moving, but ANY stage/transition in your child’s life.

1. Welcoming a new sibling
2. Potty Training
3. Bed time routine
4. Starting daycare/preschool

Toddler’s 1st Movie Theater Experience

Toddler’s 1st Movie Theater Experience.

Toddler’s 1st Movie Theater Experience

Monsters University at Emagine theater in Woodhaven, MI was our first choice for a mother-son morning. First of all, I love this theater because they serve beer (and everything else) although I did not have a beer this time, it was a cool and refreshing respite from the heat wave, while giving B and I something to do on a steamy July morning.

I followed a few simple suggestions from moms who’ve come before me, this is what they told me:
1. Choose a morning show time. (Most likely the crowd will be other kids who might be less likely to get bothered by toddler behavior.)
2. Arrive ten minutes (or more) after the posted show time to avoid the trailers. Most toddlers have a 90 minute max on their ability to sit still, even in this scenario.
3. Get your toddler a kid sized snack pack to hold, they will be mesmerized at least as long as the popcorn lasts.
4. Get the booster seat! B would’ve fallen through the crack in the seat if we hadn’t requested it. They are free but were not (hello, why not?!) at the entrance of Monsters University. B is a BIG two year old, and it was necessary for him.

Even though B and I did not sit through the ending credits like his dad and I would have, we had a very nice morning. Was it perfect, no, of course not. Between potty breaks and pure silly’s we saw about 80% of the movie. But, for a first time out, I was proud if B and me for our results.

Happy trails!! (His dad and I went to see The Lone Ranger after that…alone)




A trip to Trader Joe’s is just as educational as the zoo, right?


A quick morning errand turned into an education for mom & tot.

Visiting the new Trader Joe’s on Telegraph Rd. and Maple (15 Mile Rd.) gave B the chance to explore hands- on fruits, vegetables, dairy and grains from around the globe. Sipping coffee from a just-his-size sample cup (what, your toddler doesn’t like coffee?) and pushing his cart, he was allowed to be the “big boy” that he so fiercely proclaims to be. We talked about colors, letters, shapes, smells and textures all while trying to watch our manners (no running into the ankles of other patrons with your cart). B showed me and everyone at the store he was more than worthy of that free organic lollipop the cashier offered him.

Zoo, schmoo, how can watching a seemingly lifeless lioness (no matter how close that new glass enclosure can get you) compare to cool air conditioned independence??

Thank you Trader Joe’s, see you next week!

Toddler Yoga (favorite books)

These are our favorite yoga books to read in the morning or afternoon. Whenever we can sneak in some “at-home” yoga.

Little Yoga: A Toddler’s First Book of Yoga

You Are a Lion! And Other Fun Yoga Poses

What are your favorite yoga books or DVD’s to practice with your toddler?


Mom & Tot Yoga – review

I love yoga. Since having B, my practice has severely diminished. However, recently a new class has become available in the Dearborn/downriver area that I love. I just had to shout it from the rooftops!

(The website didn’t have the new classes listed, so I cut and pasted the July classes from the newsletter below)



1. It’s CASH ONLY and drop-in, so no commitments.

2. They have mats and blankets for you to borrow.

3. You don’t need special clothes because, if you’re like me, you’re probably already in yoga pants everyday, right?!

It’s ” mom & tot” so, if your kid is like mine and feels the need to run, skip, yelp or fart, it’s okay, you’re amongst those who understand! If you have two little ones, it’ll cost you $5 more, but don’t feel like you can’t attend because you can’t “control” both of them. This class is designed for little ones with even littler attention spans. No one expects your little ones to just stay on their mat. Mom gets a few poses in while junior may be trying to climb your tree pose or limbo under your down dog, that’s okaaaaay!!!! It’s still having a positive effect on your family, I promise. B takes the best naps when we go.

Where have you done mommy & me yoga with your little one?